Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Project title:  Nanocrystalline powders for lighting and imaging
Researcher : Ioannis Seferis
Supervisor name: supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eugeniusz Zych

Project description

Literature studies to select host materials for novel X-ray phosphors and photolumienscent phosphors,
Dopant ions for broad band, fast luminescence
Selection of preparation techniques and rough estimation of preparation conditions
Synthesis of the phosphors
Structural and morphological analysis of synthesized compositions
Spectroscopic (mostly photo- and radioluminescence) analysis of the fabricated phosphors
Measurements of quantum efficiency of the photoluminescence and light output (light yield) of scintillators
In-depth analysis of the phosphors properties (together with correlation of the structural, morphological and spectroscopic properties)
Tasks and methodology: 
Theoretical studies on photoluminescence and scintillation
Studies on methods – structural and spectroscopic - of characterization of luminescent powders
Practical modelling of novel photolumienescent and radioluminescent phosphors
Structure-morphology-spectroscopy relationship
Understanding the – positive and negative – role of defects in luminescent materials
Using defects to model phosphors properties

LUMINET meetings :

LUMINET Seminar, 19 July 2014, Wrocław, Poland
LUMINET Autumn Meeting, September 2014, Ausburg, Germany
LUMINET Spring Meeting, 3-6 March 2015, Verona, Italy
LUMINET Autumn Meeting, 25 September 2015, Tartu, Estonia
LUMINET Spring Meeting, 21-22 March, Aveiro, Portugal
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